Check out our golden ticket drawing winners!!These kids were caught being good! #MustangSpirit #GrowingMustangsOneStudentAtATime
about 2 months ago, Angela Walden-Hulme
Open House is Tuesday! #MustangSpirit #GrowingMustangsOneStudentAtATime
about 2 months ago, Angela Walden-Hulme
Check out our Spirit Day Themes for next week!
Mustang Spirit!
about 2 months ago, Angela Walden-Hulme
This is a reminder that there will be no school for students on Monday, September 23rd. Teachers will be participating in an inservice day.
about 2 months ago, Angela Walden-Hulme
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Our classroom instruction begins at 8am. Please have your child at school by 8:00. Our cafeteria stops serving breakfast at 8:00. If your child is going to be at school after that time, please feed them breakfast before bringing them to school. If they are going to eat in the cafeteria, they need to be at school no later than 7:45 so that they have time to eat and be in class by 8:00.
Thank you!!
about 2 months ago, Angela Walden-Hulme
Fall Picture Day is Friday!!
about 2 months ago, Angela Walden-Hulme
We've got spirit yes we do!! #MustangSpirit #GrowingMustangsOneStudentAtATime
about 2 months ago, Angela Walden-Hulme
Menu change for next week:
9/16 We will be having:
-Breakfast Pizza
-Pulled BBQ Chicken Sandwiches
9/18 We will be having:
-French Toast
-Brunch 4 Lunch
(Pancakes, Sausage, eggs)
about 2 months ago, Angela Walden-Hulme
Kindergarten recently wrapped up their Amplify nursery rhyme unit with some nursery rhyme olympics. We ended the day with a tortoise and hare race down the hall. #GrowingMustangsOneStudentAtATime
about 2 months ago, Angela Walden-Hulme
Thank you to the Southeast Elementary Cafeteria for Remembering 9/11. #MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether
about 2 months ago, Kathy Smartt
Grandparent's Day with Mrs. Kilgore's class. Part 2 of 2 #GrowingMustangsOneStudentAtATime
about 2 months ago, Angela Walden-Hulme
Grandparent's Day with Mrs. Kilgore's class. Part 1 of 2 #GrowingMustangsOneStudentAtATime
about 2 months ago, Angela Walden-Hulme
Grandparent's Day with Mrs. Santiago's class. Part 2 of 2 #GrowingMustangsOneStudentAtATime
about 2 months ago, Angela Walden-Hulme
Grandparent's Day with Mrs. Santiago's class. Part 1 of 2
about 2 months ago, Angela Walden-Hulme
Grandparent's Day with Mr. Roberts' class.
about 2 months ago, Angela Walden-Hulme
Grandparent's Day with Mrs. Ortega's class. Part 2 of 2
about 2 months ago, Angela Walden-Hulme
Grandparent's Day with Mrs. Ortega's class. Part 1 of 2 #GrowingMustangsOneStudentAtATime
about 2 months ago, Angela Walden-Hulme
More Pics from Mrs. Martinez's class and Grandparent's Day #GrowingMustangsOneStudentAtATime
about 2 months ago, Angela Walden-Hulme
Grandparent's Day with Mrs. Martinez's class. #GrowingMustangsOneStudentAtATime
about 2 months ago, Angela Walden-Hulme
Grandparent's Day with Mrs. Kittelson's class #GrowingMustangsOneStudentAtATime
about 2 months ago, Angela Walden-Hulme