East Ridge Halloween Fun

We had two days of 96% attendance last week at East Ridge. Let's strive for more this week!

Book Character Pumpkins - Remember to decorate a pumpkin with your favorite book character. We have some really great pumpkins.

Congratulations to the East Ridge Spotlight Staff of the week!

EVERY SCHOOL DAY COUNTS! Congrats to our SECOND GRADERS & FOURTH GRADERS on your OUTSTANDING attendance! #MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether

East Ridge Elementary Red Ribbon Week
October 28 - November 1

We only had one day at 96% or above last week. Let's strive for better this week!

East Ridge CAN Share! Canned Food Drive begins October 21 - November 7

It's National School Lunch Week!

Congratulations to our Star Students of the Week!

Upcoming district holiday on Monday, October 14th! Have a great weekend.

There will be no school on Monday October 14, 2024.

THANK YOU to our SWEETWATER FIRE DEPARTMENT for teaching our students how to stay SAFE! Your PARTNERSHIP is invaluable! #MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether

EVERY SCHOOL DAY COUNTS! Congrats to the FIRST GRADE CLASS on achieving 96.36% attendance last week! ATTENDANCE MATTERS! #MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether

All of the illnesses going around are making it tough on our attendance goals this time of year. While we would love to have every student at school every day, we also want them healthy. If your child has to miss school please be sure to send a note within 3 days so that their absence can be excused.

Big Kahuna online sales end tonight at midnight

Congratulations to the East Ridge Elementary Spotlight Staff of the week!

Thank you to our Principal's Assistants, Maliyah and Marnie, for helping us out this morning in the office.

Congratulations to our Star Students of the Week!

School Custodian Day - Shout out to these ladies for keeping our school clean and safe.