Attention Sweetwater Middle School, Colt Football Fans! We have combined teams tonight to have only two games in the bowl. These games will be starting at 4:30 PM. This is in an attempt to complete games before the storms hit tonight. Thank you.
3 months ago, SHANNON STOKER
Veterans Day Concert Reminder
4 months ago, Kevin Stoker
Congrats AGAIN to our 4th & 6th Graders for OUTSTANDING Attendance! School Success is directly related to Regular School Attendance. #MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether
4 months ago, Kathy Smartt
4th Grade
Good afternoon SMS parents and community. Today at SMS we conducted a successful fire drill. We will continue to conduct drills throughout the year to ensure student safety. Thank you for your patience and support during these drills.
4 months ago, Kevin Stoker
4 months ago, Kathy Smartt
Sweetwater ISD Superintendent Dr. Deidre Parish had lunch meetings with the SHS & SMS Student Advisory Councils this week. Dr. Parish is pictured with the SMS students following the Halloween themed lunch. OUR FUTURE IS BRIGHT AT SISD! #MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether
4 months ago, Kathy Smartt
Happy Bosses' Day to our SMS Bosses! #MustangSpirit
4 months ago, Kathy Smartt
Bosses'  Day
#MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether
4 months ago, Kathy Smartt
Tickets for the Thursday Middle School games and Friday's Varsity game @ Comanche will be online tickets only. Here is the link....
4 months ago, Kathy Smartt
Ticket Info
Chick-Fil-A for dinner supports the SMS & SHS Choirs! #MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether
4 months ago, Kathy Smartt
TODAY IS THE FINAL DAY TO SIGN UP! (Monday, October 7th) Remember, this test is offered to you FREE of charge by SISD. Please scan the QR Code to register. This exam is the initial step in a student's academic and career journey after high school. It is a prep for college entrance exams and could lead to dual credit courses in high school. Taking the PSAT 8/9 can also help our students to: *Understand their strengths and what skills they need to work on. *Explore personalized career insights aligned to their score.
4 months ago, Kathy Smartt
PSAT 8/9
TODAY'S STUDENTS - TOMORROW'S WORKFORCE! Some SMS & SHS students traveled to the Abilene World of Work (WOW) Youth Expo. THANK YOU WORKFORCE for sponsoring this event! #MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether
5 months ago, Kathy Smartt
Mark your calendar for Friday, October 11th! Enjoy Chick-fil-A and benefit the SMS & SHS Choirs. #MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether
5 months ago, Kathy Smartt
As part of our college and career readiness efforts at Sweetwater Middle School, we strive to set our students up for success.That's why we are offering the PSAT 8/9 to our 8th-graders this fall. This exam is the initial step in a student's academic and career journey after high school. It is a prep for college entrance exams and could lead to dual credit courses in high school. Taking the PSAT 8/9 can also help our students to: *Understand their strengths and what skills they need to work on. *Explore personalized career insights aligned to their score. The deadline has been extended to fill our remaining spots available. Test day will be Tuesday, October 29th. Remember, this test is offered to you FREE of charge by SISD. Please scan the QR Code to register. The final day to sign up is Monday, October 7th. For more information, please contact Mrs. Stoker in the counselor's office.
5 months ago, Kathy Smartt
EVERY SCHOOL DAY COUNTS! Congrats to the SIXTH GRADE CLASS on achieving 97.26% attendance last week! ATTENDANCE MATTERS! #MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether
5 months ago, Kathy Smartt
SCHOOL ATTENDANCE is a building block of STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT. Sweetwater Middle School students who had PERFECT ATTENDANCE for the 1st Six Weeks were entered in a drawing for Mustang monogrammed backpacks. THANK YOU to the PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN for providing the monogramming & supporting our students! #MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether
5 months ago, Kathy Smartt
With homecoming tonight, parents please pay attention to the rules for attendance at the Bowl.
5 months ago, Kevin Stoker
SMS Sweeties on Candy Day! #MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether
5 months ago, Kathy Smartt
Candy Day
SMS HOCO Fun! Mustangs are one in a MINION! #MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether
5 months ago, Kathy Smartt
It's HOCO Week! Mustangs are one in a MINION! #MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether
5 months ago, Kathy Smartt