Sweetwater ISD is currently experiencing a phone outage. Our provider has been contacted and we are working to resolve the problem as quickly as possible. If you need to contact someone immediately, please email your campus. Thank you for your understanding. We apologize for the inconvenience. Update: The issue is on our provider's end causing their entire customer base to be without service. We will update as new information is made available to us.
3 months ago, Sonya Davison
3 months ago, Kathy Smartt
THANK YOU to Ruth Ann Campbell & Workforce Solutions of West Central Texas for helping our students to succeed! THANK YOU to Dustanna Spencer & Hunter Ranch Realty for providing an opportunity for Laney Beaver to job shadow. YOUR PARTNERSHIPS are INVALUABLE to our Students! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
4 months ago, Kathy Smartt
Job Shadowing
THANK YOU Mayor JIm McKenzie for declaring January as School Board Recognition Month in Sweetwater! We appreciate your LEADERSHIP & SUPPORT. #SchoolBoardMonth #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
4 months ago, Kathy Smartt
4 months ago, Kathy Smartt
4 months ago, Kathy Smartt
4 months ago, Kathy Smartt
Thank you to our SGSA for providing these opportunities! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
4 months ago, Kathy Smartt
Today's Basketball Info! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
4 months ago, Kathy Smartt
Our school board members are accountable to local voters, attuned to the needs of our community and dedicated to a brighter future! THANK YOU BRENDA VALDEZ for being an At Large Representative & for doing what's BEST for students! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters #SchoolBoardMonth
4 months ago, Kathy Smartt
School Board
Our school board members are accountable to local voters, attuned to the needs of our community and dedicated to a brighter future! THANK YOU DENNIS CUMBIE for being an At Large Representative & for doing what's BEST for students! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters #SchoolBoardMonth
4 months ago, Kathy Smartt
School Board
Our school board members are accountable to local voters, attuned to the needs of our community and dedicated to a brighter future! THANK YOU MATT WEAVER for representing District 5 & for doing what's BEST for students! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters #SchoolBoardMonth
4 months ago, Kathy Smartt
School Board
Our school board members are accountable to local voters, attuned to the needs of our community and dedicated to a brighter future! THANK YOU JEFF ALLEN for representing District 4 & for doing what's BEST for students! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters #SchoolBoardMonth
4 months ago, Kathy Smartt
School Board
Our school board members are accountable to local voters, attuned to the needs of our community and dedicated to a brighter future! THANK YOU MARK GARCIA for representing District 3 & for doing what's BEST for students! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters #SchoolBoardMonth
4 months ago, Kathy Smartt
School Board
Thank you SISD for bringing Damon West & the Coffee Bean lesson to Sweetwater! Be like the coffee bean that changes the water. #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
4 months ago, Kathy Smartt
Coffee Bean
Our school board members are accountable to local voters, attuned to the needs of our community and dedicated to a brighter future! THANK YOU TASHA SOTO for representing District 2 & for doing what's BEST for students! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters #SchoolBoardMonth
4 months ago, Kathy Smartt
School Board
Don't miss this opportunity Thursday morning, January 11th! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
4 months ago, Kathy Smartt
Damon West
Our school board members are accountable to local voters, attuned to the needs of our community and dedicated to a brighter future! THANK YOU DOMINGO CASTILLO for representing District 1 & for doing what's BEST for students! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters #SchoolBoardMonth
4 months ago, Kathy Smartt
School Board
THANK YOU to Stephanie Gutierrez & Invenergy Services for investing in our students! Your donation is so appreciated! YOUR PARTNERSHIP and SUPPORT is INVALUABLE to our Students! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
4 months ago, Kathy Smartt
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our Sweetwater ISD Leader, Dr. Deidre Parish! Hope you have a day filled with joy & Mustang Spirit! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
4 months ago, Kathy Smartt
Happy Birthday