SISD College Awareness Day is coming up on Wednesday, February 5th! Show your spirit by representing your favorite college or university. Let’s celebrate future possibilities together!
15 days ago, Sweetwater ISD
college awareness day
Be Prepared for Winter Weather! ❄️🌨️ As winter approaches, it’s important to be ready for freezing temperatures, ice, and weather that could impact school delays or closures. To stay informed with timely updates from the district: ✅ Log in to the Parent Portal ✅ Verify your personal contact information Stay safe and stay connected this winter! ❤️
16 days ago, Sweetwater ISD
winter weather graphic
Southeast Early Childhood Center celebrated 100 Days of School! How awesome!! #MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether
16 days ago, Angela Andel
100 Days
100 Days
100 Days
East Ridge Elementary celebrated 100 Days of School TODAY! How FUN! #MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether
19 days ago, Angela Andel
SHS teamed with the Texas Department of Transportation to teach our students the importance of always wearing a seatbelt when in a vehicle. #MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether
19 days ago, Angela Andel
It’s School Board Recognition Month! Today, we’re proud to spotlight SISD Trustee At-Large Dennis Cumbie. Mr. Cumbie supports staff and students alike. He takes great responsibility for decisions that are made. Thank you for your dedication and service, Mr. Cumbie! #MustangSpirit
19 days ago, Sweetwater ISD
SISD Trustee Dennis Cumbie
Cold and flu season is here! To help prevent the spread of illness, Sweetwater ISD is taking additional steps to thoroughly clean and sanitize classrooms and common spaces. Remember these tips to stay healthy: wash hands frequently, avoid close contact with others, stay hydrated, get plenty of sleep, dress appropriately for cold conditions, avoid touching your face, and cover your cough with your hand or elbow.
20 days ago, Sweetwater ISD
graphic with cleaning tools
January is School Board Recognition Month! Today, we’re proud to spotlight SISD Trustee At-Large Brenda Valdez. Mrs. Valdez has a heart for students and strives to meet the needs of all students in her decision-making efforts. Thank you for your commitment and service, Ms. Valdez! #MustangSpirit
20 days ago, Sweetwater ISD
SISD Trustee Brenda Valdez
It’s School Board Recognition Month. Today we are spotlighting SISD Trustee Jeff Allen, serving District 4. Mr. Allen was first elected on May 6, 2017, so this May he will have served 8 years. He provides unique insight into Board decisions made to support all Mustangs. Thank you for serving, Mr. Allen #MustangSpirit
26 days ago, Sweetwater ISD
Jeff Allen
Mrs. Ortegas class got MUSTANGS spell out!!! They got Peaches the Perfect Attendance Trophy and a Pizza party!! Way to GO!!! #MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether
27 days ago, Angela Andel
January is School Board Recognition Month. Let’s show some Mustang Spirit for Trustee Domingo Castillo. Serving District 1, he was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Ginny Mayes in the fall of 2016 and was first elected on May 6, 2017. He has served 8 years with unwavering support of our students. We appreciate you, Mr. Castillo #MustangSpirit
27 days ago, Sweetwater ISD
Domingo Castillo
Sweetwater ISD is beginning the process of selecting our next SISD Athletics Director/Head Football Coach following the announcement that Russell Lucas is retiring. Please share your feedback with SISD by completing a brief survey about the qualities you seek in our next AD/Head Coach. Participate by Friday, January 31. This information will be shared with the search committee. Visit
28 days ago, Sweetwater ISD
AD Survey
Sweetwater ISD is hiring for campus custodians!
28 days ago, Sonya Davison
Job Opening
Have you reviewed the Proposed 2025-2026 Academic Calendar yet? The Sweetwater ISD School Board intends to vote on a final calendar at their February 24 meeting. Take a few moments to review the proposed calendar on our website and share your feedback with your campus administrator.
29 days ago, Sweetwater ISD
academic calendar
Just a reminder that Sweetwater ISD will be closed on Monday, January 20 to observe the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. The SISD Child Care Center will also be closed on Monday. Regular schedules and office hours will resume Tuesday, January 21.
about 1 month ago, Sweetwater ISD
Closed MLK Day Jan. 20
Congratulations to the Sweetwater Education Foundation Grant Winners! #MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether
about 1 month ago, Angela Andel
January is School Board Recognition Month. Serving currently as Board Secretary is Tasha Soto, who wants what’s best for Sweetwater ISD students. She supports efforts that are aligned with our SISD Mission and Vision. We appreciate your service, Ms. Soto #MustangSpirit
about 1 month ago, Sweetwater ISD
Trustee Tasha Soto
It’s here! The January edition of Sweetwater ISD’s new community newsletter is now available. If you didn’t receive it in your email inbox, you can access the January 2025 Mustang Monthly newsletter on the SISD Website:
about 1 month ago, Sweetwater ISD
newsletter picture
Thank you to EVERYONE who made Dr. Deidre Parish's January Coffee! What a great way to start off the New Year! MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether
about 1 month ago, Angela Andel
SOUTHEAST ELEMENTARY had an OVERALL ATTENDANCE OF 96.98% TODAY! Pre-K has 98.78% and Kindergarten has 96.30% Fantastic job SOUTHEAST! #MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether
about 1 month ago, Angela Andel