CONGRATULATIONS to Kaden Taylor on your graduation from Sweetwater High School! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

CONGRATULATIONS for earning a Colt Call Out at Sweetwater Middle School! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

Interested in becoming a substitute? We are looking for classroom substitutes and transportation substitutes. Join us for training on September 29th @ 2:00PM.

If you aren't able to make the trip, you can still watch the Mustangs live! This week's game is available on multiple platforms.
HUDL - https://focus.hudl.com --TYPE PECOS HIGH INTO SEARCH BOX
NFHS- https://www.nfhsnetwork.com -TYPE PECOS INTO SEARCH BAR

SMS reminds us to KEEP DANCING! Good Luck to the Mustangs and enjoy your weekend! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

Congratulations to Caiden Ortiz for being named the KTXS Player of the week. #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

Mark your calendars for September 18th at 6:00 in the SHS Auditorium. We will discuss what to do during your Fall Semester, helpful hints to navigate Senior year, and create your FSA ID.

The Mustangs are headed out to Pecos this week for Game 3 of the season. Game time is at 7:00. You may purchase tickets online or at the gate. There is a clear bag policy in effect. Here are the links for live stream of the game as well as the link to purchase tickets.
HUDL - https://focus.hudl.com --TYPE PECOS HIGH INTO SEARCH BOX
NFHS- https://www.nfhsnetwork.com -TYPE PECOS INTO SEARCH BAR
Ticket Link:

JV Football vs. Pecos TONIGHT in the Mustang Bowl beginning @ 5pm #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

Southeast Early Childhood Center is where our LITTLES begin their TIME on this educational journey! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

You are invited to join Dr. Parish on Monday, September 25th to talk about School Security. We hope to see you there.

First Day of School pictures are the BEST! Continue sharing your first day @ SISD to kathy.smartt@sweetwaterisd.net. #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

Sweetwater Intermediate School ROCKED the first 3 weeks of the new school year! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

CONGRATS! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

All fall sports will be celebrated! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

THANK YOU to Scooters for celebrating our teachers! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

First Day of School pictures are the BEST! Continue sharing your first day @ SISD to kathy.smartt@sweetwaterisd.net. #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

Mark your calendar for Sweetwater ISD Homecoming scheduled for Friday, September 22nd! The theme is DESTINATIONS & we plan to send the Clyde Bulldogs PACKING! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

SUPERHEROES Pep Rally AND Game were a HUGE Success! 62-35 final for the Sweetwater Mustangs! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

Our Sweetwater Mustang family lost a longtime fixture of the athletic program. Rick “Blades” Davis passed away this past week. For 30 years, beginning in 1982, Blades served the students, athletes and coaches of Sweetwater ISD. Through that time he made an enormous impact on so many different people. The current Mustangs want to recognize the legacy that he built while he was here and acknowledge the impact that he had on so many. #MustangSpirit