Our Superintendent Dr. Deidre Parish enjoyed visiting with community leaders at the coffee held at Argos Brewhouse & Bookseller. #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

Sweetwater ISD Leaders @ Coffee with the Superintendent Dr. Deidre Parish. #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

Thank you to School Board members Jeff Allen & Matt Weaver and Sweetwater Education Foundation President Jeremy Dodd for enjoying coffee with our Superintendent Dr. Deidre Parish. #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

SISD appreciates the support of local businesses. Thank you to these business LEADERS for partnering with SISD. Coffee with our Superintendent Dr. Deidre Parish was a success! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

Thank you TSTC for attending the Coffee with our Superintendent Dr. Deidre Parish. We appreciate your partnership and support! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

Brenda Valdez has served on the SISD Board for 5 years. Brenda & three of her daughters are Sweetwater graduates. Her youngest attends Sweetwater schools. Thank you for your service & dedication to our District! #SchoolBoardMonth #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

Congrats to these DECA Students representing Sweetwater High School at the Texas DECA District 9 Conference @ TSTC! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

Thank you to these SISD, Business and Community LEADERS for volunteering to judge at the Texas DECA 9 Conference. A special thank you to TSTC for serving as our host. #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

Thank you to these TSTC, DMI, City of Sweetwater & Nolan County Health Department LEADERS for volunteering to judge at the Texas DECA 9 Conference. A special thank you to TSTC for serving as our host. #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

Matt Weaver has served on the SISD Board for 4 years. Matt is a Sweetwater graduate & his children attend Sweetwater schools. Thank you for your service & dedication to our District! #SchoolBoardMonth #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

The link below is for the 2023 Softball Season:

Mark Garcia has served on the SISD Board for 3 years. Mark & his wife are both Sweetwater graduates & their children attend Sweetwater schools. Thank you for your service & dedication to our District! #SchoolBoardMonth #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

Jeff Allen has served on the SISD Board for 6 years. Their children attend Sweetwater schools. Thank you for your service & dedication to our District! #SchoolBoardMonth #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

Support our Nolan County students by attending the Nolan County Livestock Association Stock Show! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

Tasha Soto has served on the SISD Board for 4 years. Tasha & her husband are both Sweetwater graduates & their children currently attend Sweetwater schools. Thank you for your service & dedication to our District! #SchoolBoardMonth #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

Have coffee with our Superintendent Dr. Deidre Parish on Thursday, January 19th, from 7:30 - 9:30am at Argos Brewhouse & Bookseller.

Future Sweetwater attended the City Council meeting this morning to learn how our City government operates. #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

Congratulations to these students for being selected to be on teams for the FCA All Star games! Tate Thompson, Noel Mekogue, Trinity McGee, Jenika Fuentes and Elise Brockman are pictured with the Region FCA Director, Jamey Calvary. #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

Sweetwater ISD will not have school on Friday & Monday (January 13th & 16th). Classes will resume on Tuesday, January 17th. Enjoy your long weekend!

Mrs. Tracey Stevens was named an Outstanding Educator and State Champion Vincent Pich scored one of the top three scores in Texas! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters